Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Visit on December 3

Reminder: This website is a demo and does not contain real information about Care is There clients or situations. Please see the About this site... page for more information. 

Our second visit was this afternoon, and Lillian was expecting me. I had prepared Lillian's notebook with her provider information and medication list, and brought it for her to keep on her desk. This will be helpful if someone else needs this information.

We started out by double checking the medication list with her pill box. It looked great. Since I am not so familiar with Lillian's medications, I pulled out the bottles and snapped pictures of each pill using the camera on my phone. I will update the medication list in the notebook to include the pictures and print out a new copy for next time.

Once again we worked on the pile of mail and papers on the desk. This time I found a letter from Lillian's cardiologist dated September, stating that she is due for her annual check up. Lillian didn't remember if she had seen the cardiologist recently and we looked through her appointment book for an appointment. We didn't find any.

However, I added her hearing aid company to our list of providers for her notebook. I wrote it in by hand, but will update the typed document and print out a new copy.

Retta, would you like me to schedule the cardiology appointment for her? I can schedule it at a time when I can accompany her to the appointment. Lillian said that it was OK if I make the appointment for her and let her know next time. (I will follow up with a phone call if I don't hear from you by email in the next day or so.)

The hour just flew by as we worked through the papers on the desk. We are proud to say we completed it! The cardiology letter was the only "surprise" we found, and we will address that soon.

We have scheduled our next appointment for next week on December 10 and Lillian noted it in her appointment book / calendar. This seems like a good time to meet for both of us.

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