Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29 Visit - Minor problems resolved

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Today was a routine visit, but I found a few minor issues to address. Lillian was expecting me when I arrived and she gave me an update on Michelle. Michelle's hip surgery was successful and she will be discharged from the hospital Thursday or Friday this week. Michelle will do rehab here at Jefferson Creek, which is nice because Lillian will be able to visit her easily.

We looked through the mail and I found a bill for the cardiology appointment last month. I think Retta gets the notices from these online, but nevertheless, I put the bill aside. Retta, please let me know if you would like me to mail it to you. I can send it to you at our next meeting.

We hadn't spent any time on her calendar/date book lately so we took a look through it. I noticed that there was no book club meeting on the calendar in May or June. She said that she's missed the last meeting because it wasn't on her calendar. We added it for May, June, and July.

Next, I noticed there were more dishes in the sink than usual. Lillian said the dishwasher wasn't working, and she keeps forgetting to call in a work request. I took a closer look at the dishwasher - the child lock-out was set. I unlocked it and did a trial start of the dishwasher. Sure enough, it worked!  Funny how such a simple thing can become an obstacle! We loaded the dishwasher and got it started. I wrote down dishwasher detergent on her grocery list.

We did a quick review of her pill box and all looked good. Our visit time sped by this week!

Our next visit will be next Wednesday May 6 at the usual time.

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