Wednesday, April 22, 2015

April 22: Visiting at the Hospital

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Yesterday, Lillian called me and explained that her friend from Jefferson Creek, Michelle, had had a fall and was at the hospital. She asked if we could use our visit to to go visit Michelle. Since we had nothing else planned for today, I agreed.

Picked up Lillian at about 1:00pm at her apartment. Before we left, I did a quick look through the mail and checked her hearing aids. Then I drove over to the hospital. On the way in, we stopped at the gift shop and Lillian purchased a card and a small flower arrangement for Michelle. We asked at the hospital information desk where Michelle was staying and they let us know the room number and gave us directions.

When we arrived, Michelle was in bed watching television. I did not participate much in the visit, since I had only met Michelle briefly once before.  Nevertheless, it's good I was there with Lillian (and she didn't try to drive by herself) because the hospital is so busy and confusing to navigate, and the parking is really a challenge.

We stayed for about 20 minutes. Michelle had some pain and she seemed to tire quickly. We found our way back to the car, and headed for home. Lillian was upset at seeing Michelle in the hospital, and I assured her that the visit was a kind and thoughtful thing to do, even if it was short.

I walked Lillian back to her apartment because she still seemed a little distracted and upset. I asked if she wanted to talk about it more, but she said she didn't.

This visit was a little longer than usual, and Lillian paid cash for the (nominal) parking fee at the hospital. Our next scheduled visit is next Wednesday, April 29.

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