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I arrived for our scheduled visit with Lillian this morning and all was well. We did our usual hearing aid check and review the mail. I noticed a large unopened box by the desk from LL Bean in the kitchen. Lillian said that sometimes Retta orders clothes for her and she thought that's what it was. She doesn't remember what day it arrived.
We opened the box and found several items. On the invoice, we could see that Retta did order it.
So we had a little "fashion show" at the apartment trying on clothes. There were two short sleeve pullover tops, a pair of canvas espadrille shoes in navy blue, a cream-color cardigan sweater, a nicer spring blouse (like for church), and two pairs of light fabric slacks with elastic waists. The items matched the invoice exactly.
Retta must know Lillian's style and size well! Everything fit nicely.
We clipped off the tags and put the clothes in the hamper. Lillian said she prefers to wash new clothes before wearing them. We put the shoes in her closet (no washing necessary).
I asked if she thought there were any other clothes she might need (underwear, hose, socks, etc.) she said no, but I did a quick closet and dresser check, just in case. At least for underwear and hose, she seems to have enough but I didn't look too closely at their condition. Maybe next time Retta is in town, she can check them and take her shopping. Underwear is something that maybe is better shopped for in person!
If you would prefer we take care of it, I'd be happy to arrange a shopping trip with her.
I noticed her swimsuits that she uses for water aerobics. One of them is looking a little thin and it has lost some elasticity. That might be a good item to replace, in your next order.
Finally, I reminded Lillian that our next visit is on Tuesday (3/17) next week, when we go to the Cardiologist for a check up. I will call her that morning to remind her.
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