Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Jan 28 Visit: Checked the Usual Things and Socialized with Friends

Reminder: This website is a demo and does not contain real information about Care is There clients or situations. Please see the About this site... page for more information. 

This week's visit was pleasant and I got a chance to meet one of Lillian's friends here at Jefferson Creek. When I arrived, we did a quick hearing aid check (all good), and looked through the mail. There was a postcard to remind Lillian of her upcoming cardiology appointment next week. I double checked her calendar and it is listed. I added a little note in her datebook that I will come to pick her up at about 1:45pm. This should allow us plenty of time to get to the office and update any records they need.

I will bring along the HIPAA document Lillian and you signed so that they can share her medical information with me during the appointment.

There were no surprises in the mail when we went through it. Also, Retta, thanks for the voicemail that I should get a tax receipt for donations to Good Will.

Since we had nothing else planned for this visit, we went to the coffeehouse over in the community building of Jefferson Creek to get a cup of tea and a little snack. We encountered Alma in the hallway as we walked to the coffee shop and asked her to join us.

After our drinks I escorted Lillian back to her apartment and I picked up the bag of items for donation. Next time, if you wanted, you could simply leave a comment on this blog to reply to a simple question. I'll get an email notification automatically. Give it a try!

It was a pleasant visit, and we are looking forward to our cardiology appointment next week on Tuesday (Feb 3). I plan to call Lillian to remind her on Tuesday morning, so she will be ready when I arrive.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jan 21: Continue closet clean out

Reminder: This website is a demo and does not contain real information about Care is There clients or situations. Please see the About this site... page for more information. 

Greetings from snowy Virginia, Demo family!

I had a normal visit with Lillian yesterday afternoon. First thing we did was check her hearing aids. I am pleased to report that she has been wearing them consistently each time I visit her. She commented that now they are working better for her so she doesn't mind having them in.

We switched the batteries and gave both hearing aids a good cleaning.

Next we went through Lillian's mail. The desk is looking pretty good - minimal clutter and once we get through the mail the desk is completely organized.

We tackled the rest of the closet today and we managed to finish going through all of her clothes.  We put anything in need of a good washing in the hamper, and took a bag of worn out clothes and shoes to the dumpster. On our way back from the dumpster, we asked the front desk if they had a way to donate old clothes. They were willing to take them because they usually take a load of items to Good Will every 4-6 weeks. If we give the pile to them, we won't get a tax receipt, though.

I thought I'd ask Retta if a tax receipt is needed, since she does the taxes. Can you let me know? We bagged up the items and put a label on the bag. If you want the receipt, I'll take it to Good Will on my way home after next week's visit, and I'll pick up a receipt for you. Otherwise, we'll just turn it in to the front desk.

Our next visit is next Wednesday 1/28.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Jan 14 - Closet Clean Out

Reminder: This website is a demo and does not contain real information about Care is There clients or situations. Please see the About this site... page for more information. 

This visit, we stayed in Lillian's apartment and we started work on her closet. As they tell us on television shows about organizing and de-cluttering, we decided to put each item in one of three piles: Keep, Donate, and Throw Away.

We quickly realized we wouldn't finish the closet in 1 hour, so we went to the apartment front desk and they gave us three good-sized boxes for the three piles. By the time our hour was up, we had made it through the shoes, the off-season clothes, and part of the top shelf.

It was nice to visit with Lillian as we worked. She says that January is a good time to clean out, because it's a brand new year and we want to start it with an organized home. She had a positive attitude about cleaning things out, and she only waffled on whether to get rid of a few items. We put them aside to reconsider next time.

We stacked up the boxes in the corner of the bedroom when we were done. I think we'll be able to finish next time. Our next visit will be next Wednesday 1/21.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy New Year: Visit on Jan 7

Reminder: This website is a demo and does not contain real information about Care is There clients or situations. Please see the About this site... page for more information. 

It was so nice to see Lillian today! She seemed happy and pleased to see me. She shared with me about all of the things she did while up in the Washington D.C. area with family. She was especially glad she got to visit her brother, Gene, and her niece and great-niece and great-nephews in Maryland!

First things first; when I arrived, I checked Lillian's hearing aids and all looked well. She reported that she was hearing better and with Retta's help, she said she had no trouble with them over the holiday.

Lillian's held mail had been delivered, but she had not gone through it all yet. We dug into the pile and recycled much of the junk. There were many Christmas cards, which we put in a neat pile in an old shoe box. Lillian did not want to throw them away just yet. We hadn't taken the time to read the letters enclosed in some of them. She said she'd go through them later in the week on her own.

This filled most of our visit time, but at the end, I asked Lillian if there was anything she wanted me to help her with. She said that her bedroom closet was filled with stuff and it was time to clean it out. I thought that was an excellent idea, and we'll get started next time.

Next visit will be Wednesday, January 14.