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This week's visit was pleasant and I got a chance to meet one of Lillian's friends here at Jefferson Creek. When I arrived, we did a quick hearing aid check (all good), and looked through the mail. There was a postcard to remind Lillian of her upcoming cardiology appointment next week. I double checked her calendar and it is listed. I added a little note in her datebook that I will come to pick her up at about 1:45pm. This should allow us plenty of time to get to the office and update any records they need.
I will bring along the HIPAA document Lillian and you signed so that they can share her medical information with me during the appointment.
There were no surprises in the mail when we went through it. Also, Retta, thanks for the voicemail that I should get a tax receipt for donations to Good Will.
Since we had nothing else planned for this visit, we went to the coffeehouse over in the community building of Jefferson Creek to get a cup of tea and a little snack. We encountered Alma in the hallway as we walked to the coffee shop and asked her to join us.
After our drinks I escorted Lillian back to her apartment and I picked up the bag of items for donation. Next time, if you wanted, you could simply leave a comment on this blog to reply to a simple question. I'll get an email notification automatically. Give it a try!
It was a pleasant visit, and we are looking forward to our cardiology appointment next week on Tuesday (Feb 3). I plan to call Lillian to remind her on Tuesday morning, so she will be ready when I arrive.